and then, again..

This is part of books 9 and 10 of the Damia Willis, FBI series. There is never an ending to the story God creates.


“It’s not our problem.” 

“It’s always our problem; everything we do for God is our problem.” 

It’s not OUR problem, Reed; go and be with your wife-

“THIS IS ABOUT MY WIFE!!!! Your friend, Anthony. I guess  you forgot how you were called away almost 5 years ago. How we all have traveled across the world with money that just SHOWS UP, and now-“

Anthony stood up while pounding his fists on the table screaming back at Reed, “I KNOW!! SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND; YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND. DON’T YOU EVER FORGET I WILL KILL YOU ABOUT HER.” 

Peter calmly walked into his dining room. He looked at his friends screaming at each other, both holding back the tears and anger. Peter chose his words wisely, while praying.

“Friends,” Peter started. 

“Bullshit!” Anthony said turning to Peter, “Friends don’t lie to each other. We’ve been through sh-“

“Watch it, Anthony, you will not catch me slipping again.” Anthony sat back down at the table. Peter turned to Reed as he leaned on the door frame. “Reed-“

“Where is my wife, Peter?” 

Peter hesitated looking at Reed’s back avoiding Anthony’s glare.

“Peter.” Reed said in a normal tone without turning around. 

“She’s in London.” 

“On her own.” 

“On HER OWN??” Anthony screamed. 

“Who is this woman? Why did she go? What do we know? WHAT DO YOU KNOW?” Reed said turning to Peter. 

“I’m still doing the research.”

“No, no-” Anthony started.

“No, Peter, that’s not true. You know something.” 

“Reed,” Peter shook his head and sat at the table, “I can’t even begin to explain this woman, my life, my service.” 

Reed sat down at the table and said, “Start with anything we don’t know, Peter; we have all the time in the world.” 

“We need Damia back.” Peter said. 

“Not in the middle of a lie we don’t.” Anythony stated. 

“Fine, but first of all, this is not our problem.” 

“BUT MY WIFE, is in LONDON, and she won’t TAKE MY CALLS.” Reed’s cell phone started ringing; looking at the caller ID it was Damia. “Babe? Where are you? What are you doing?” 

“I love you, Reed. I’m so sorry I left without saying  a word. I had to get here. I needed to help. I’m sorry you woke up and I wasn’t there.” 

“It’s okay.” Reed said looking at Anthony, “What’s wrong?” 

“Reed, tell Peter, he’s wrong. This is our problem. This is spiritual. I can’t do this alone.” 

“What is it?” Peter asked.

“She said you’re wrong.” 

“Is he there?” Damia asked, “Let me speak to him?” 

Reed handed the phone to Peter, “Yes, love?” 

“PETER!!!! My God, who is this WOMAN??? Peter, she’s dying.” 

Peter stood up abruptly knocking over his chair, ” What? What?” He motioned to the others to follow him. They got in the chauffer driven car, “Airport. Keep talking Damia, I’m putting you on speaker.” 

“She’s dying. I met her at the restaurant and as soon as she laid eyes on me she started clutching her chest. She’s had a major heart attack.” 

“OH my God.” Anthony said. 

“Yes, wait, what are you doing there, Anthony? No never mind. According to her boyfriend, this is the second heart attack in four monhts. The doctors are doing what they can, but she’s dying.” 

“Damia, get to my house, now. We’re getting on a plane.” 

“But what about Jemma?” Damia asked.

GET TO MY HOUSE NOW.” Peter screamed then ending the call.

Everything leads to Damia

The Missing Files: Part 2

Purchase Damia Willis, FBI Limited Edition here to read the first parts of the initial story. 

If Damia could have heard the conversations being had by the people and FOR THE PEOPLE being sent to help her, she would have felt differently about the calling on her life as things went forward. If she were aware of the tasks her future husband was being given she wouldn’t have worried.

Dianna fell to her knees on the side of the couch full of the spirit and still worshipping. Dave stopped walking around the table retrieved a pad of paper from the hall desk and started to write what the Lord gave him to do with their possessions in the house. Before he could finish writing his cell phone rang. Dave walked to the kitchen and looked at the caller ID, it was one of the pastors of the church they attended. Dave became worried because it was 3 a.m.

“Hello?” Dave answered.

“Elder Dave?” Pastor Michael Warner spoke when Dave answered, “I know it’s late, or early, but…”

“Not a problem, Pastor, what can I do for you?”

Dianna walked into the kitchen with Dave and whispered, “He’s going to give us something.”

“Elder, the Lord woke me up and told me to give you something I have no use for any longer.” Dave didn’t respond right away as he looked at his wife and shook his head, “Elder?”

“Yes, sir, I’m still here.”

Pastor Michael laughed and said, “You’re not shocked I’m calling.”

“No sir, I’m not.” Dave responded laughing as well.

“Tell your wife I said hello. Listen, I have this RV that-“

“I’m sorry what?” Dave studdered.

“I have an RV; you know a recreation vehicle for on the road travel. It isn’t much but, I’m not using it.”

Peter King to Reed Lovell 10/2016

“This is Chief Lovell.”

“Hello, Chief, it’s Peter King.”

“Mr. King,” The chief sighed, “How can I help you?”

“Chief, the Lord is calling you again and this time, lots of lives will change.”

“O-kay,” the chief responded sitting forward in his chair, “Are you returning here?”

“No, you’ll know when the messenger shows up, but, I do need you to reach out to a jeweler there and have a ring made. I will email you the specifics.”


“Yes, sir. I must go; I’m in the middle of extensive traveling.”

“Alright, Mr. King.”

“And, Chief?”

“Yes, sir?”

“She’s fine.” Peter ended the call and got on the jet waiting for him.


This project is finished and being developed for those super-fans ready for WHAT IS NEXT for Damia Willis, FBI et al.


Dana Marie

The Missing Files

Over the next few days, I will be sharing parts of a very short project that God dropped in my spirit last week. I’m calling it the missing files, because it is a series of conversations had with a couple that helped Damia Willis and Reed Lovell before they ever became husband and wife. (See books at B.A.D BOOKS)

Dave and Dianne are servants for the Lord called into action just as fast as Damia was catapulted into running a ministry in a different country.

In the Middle of the Night, by Dana Marie

“Dianna,” Dave turned on his stomach and reached over to Dianna’s hand holding her bible, “We will do all that God has said no matter what we must give up.”

Sighing, Dianna looked at her husband and said, “I know, but what about the kids? We’ll be leaving them and the grandchildren.”

“They can’t go and we can’t take them.” Getting up, Dave headed to the bathroom continuing with, “Our yes is our yes; not theirs.”

Dianna looked down at her Bible as the words started to blur; she knew Dave was right but her heart was breaking. She tried to continue reading but the tears started to flow. Dave paused at the door and looked at his wife. He, too, knew she was sad about having to leave the kids behind, but their yes was their yes. Getting back in bed he took the bible and pen from Dianna and pulled he close to him. Dave held her while she cried and eventually she fell asleep. Throughout the night he made a mental plan to get terminate the lease on their condo, sell their furniture and purchase an RV. The next thirty-days would be pivotal.

While this was going on, Damia Willis was having her own issues and setbacks.

“Peter, Where are you?” Damia asked. It was midnight her time as she called him she worried she may not reach him.

“I’m traveling, Agent Willis; what can I help you with?”

“I can’t handle this, Peter. I’m nervous, and Anthony….”

“Everything has changed Agent Willis for good reason. Your help is coming but you have to walk in the strength God has given you. Stop playing with your power.”

“Really, Peter? Every time I talk to you.” Damia said.

“Then stop talking to me, Agent.”

“Are you in Milwaukee??”

“NO, AGENT!!! Jeez, I’ll be back there soon.”

“Thanks, Peter.”

“You’re welcome, Damia; now get to work.”


This project is done and will be added to the next film in the Damia Willis, FBI franchise.


Dana M. Williamson