Why ‘a sure thing’?

It only took two days to start and finish a book for the married that beats out my own poetry book ‘the lock on the door’. I had to turn the fan on as I wrote it (laugh now!).

Yet, you’re probably asking, why ‘a sure thing’? Well, men and women, who have been friends a long time, shy away from relationships with each other unless 1. they are on Hallmark, or 2. they just can’t explain it and go back to Hallmark. A sure thing is something God put together a long time ago and finally each person stopped fighting the process.

Friends know everything about each other living and breathing each other’s mistakes. Friends know exactly what you bring to the table and say we bring a full meal, together, to the table. Friends hear you and respond to what you’re saying.

So why not? Why  not ‘a sure thing’ filled with weddings, marriages, love-making and real LOVE?

Again, it burns my gears that Christians don’t talk about how INTIMATE you can be in your bedrooms. We only share the marriage bed is undefiled…okay..what does that mean?

Let me be the first (or maybe the second) to say this:

  1. Love yourself.
  2. Accept yourself.
  3. Love your spouse for whom they are not whom you want them to be (get counseling if necessary)
  4. Love with the lights on.
  5. Moan, touch, squeeze, the parts on your spouses body you’ve been afraid to touch.
  6. Empty nesters, walk around the house naked–get to know your body outside the bedroom.
  7. Think about this: we would be naked if Eve and Adam hadn’t SINNED in their nakedness.


God bless …pre-order ‘a sure thing’ by completing the form below!

Married and Making Love

Nothing burns my gears more than someone talking about married people as if they can’t have hot sex; behind closed doors is the best place to have hot sex. Better yet, it should be referred to as MAKING LOVE, intimate, sexy, and UNAPOLOGETIC!

I have wondered why, as a Christian author, do other author’s run away from a steamy, married love scene. I asked this in my group B.A.D. Christian Authors with no answer yet, but it’s something that should be talked about.

Now to get to the point of our conversation here:


I’ve been divorced for over two years now; I’m doing good and continuously excited about what God is doing in my life as I keep moving forward. In the past few days, I have started writing another book of Christian fiction which is a compilation of short stories titled a sure thing. This book leaves very little to the imagination but gives you insight in other FULL NOVELS I’m working on through 2018. This book of short stories will be released, in print, on December 31st, 2017.


I wanted to give you a taste of the hot and steamy and ENCOURAGE your comments. One comment will be chosen to obtain the e-book for free! If you would like to pre-order the book in print for $7.95 complete the form below.

Mike placed his right hand in between her lips that were, now, legally his. He stroked them over and over. Marie grabbed the sides of the chaise moaning; trying hard not to scream. Two of Mike’s fingers explored the inside of a tunnel that had not been investigated in years. He held his own breath as two were a close fit. The throbbing in between his own legs was unbearable. His in and out motion with his hand caused a river of intensification from Marie.

“Marie…” Mike stood up and reached his hand out to her. Marie never opened her eyes. He could see her trying to catch her breath as he stopped in the middle of a peak moment “Marie…” he repeated.

Marie opened her eyes and took Mike’s hand. He led her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Careful not to get her hair wet he pulled her into the shower and said, “We must kill two birds with one stone here, my love.”

“Yes…you’re right.” Marie replied breathlessly smiling at him.

They kissed passionately massaging each part of the other’s body while the sound of the shower covered their moans.

“I can’t hold back any longer.” He said in between kisses and squeezing her breasts.

“Then don’t.” Marie massaged and squeezed his manhood until it was too hard to hold.

Mike wasn’t ready. He pushed her up against the wall of the shower and parted her thighs. Holding her up with one hand, Mike took the other and worked her button in between her legs.

“Open your eyes, darling.” He said not missing a beat, “I want to see inside your heart.”

Pre Order by completing this form below! You will be invoiced with shipping included!

That’s it! That’s all you get! 



The Garden Experience: Snippet

Hello my followers!! It has been a while.

I have been working diligently on a few new books that follow the Damia Willis, FBI Series.

Today, I’m sharing a short snippet from book two of The Garden Experience; this part shares how men should be thinking when serving as well as being married.

Peter looked off into the distance; up towards the sky as the moon was very bright. He gathered his words in his mind before he spoke. “We have a responsibility as husbands to take care of our wives. Everything that happens with each given day brings us closer to the end of our assignment; the assignments we’re on for that particular day and we are still HUSBANDS.”

“No matter who I am or whom I was, I’m married to Jasmine under the eyes of the Lord; still serving still living and-”

“Still leading.” Anthony interjected

“Still leading.” Peter agreed. It was a long day and going into a longer night.
“Peter,” Reed started, “You are not alone. We have never been alone in anything we need to do for the kingdom. Peter, God’s got this and us.”

Get ready for book two before Black Friday!


Dana Williamson

B.A.D. Books

A Vision of Protection

I love you guys! All of you that come by read, like and share from this blog. I need your help. Tell me if the below start to my recent story line intrigues you. I am working on another project, but want your insight before I finish it.

She was running away from the commotion; trying to help all of the people near her. She turned and felt compelled to go back; to see what was really happening and what she was running from. 

At the end of the hallway, she noticed a man in a black suit with his back towards her. She started to tiptoe; slowly walking towards the man. He turned and smiled at her. In her spirit she heard do not come any further go and hide. At that point she noticed she was wearing a long white dress. She turned to get behind a marble banister. Looking back towards the man she heard in her spirit I’ll protect you. Other men grabbed her from behind the banister as the door the man in the black suit was standing in front of blew open and he disappeared.

Thank you for your time.

I welcome your comments.

Dana Williamson



The Day You Wake Up: Own Your Story

I cooked a big meal, set up audio for my tribe, and recorded a ministry message on social media. Then I had company. As soon as they walked into the house I got tired. Every bit of energy was drained from me. I excused myself in order to take a nap, but it wasn’t necessary; once I got out of their presence I WASN’T drained any longer.

I woke up not knowing I would have to tell my own story every day in order to meet the needs of my roof; meaning I would have to share my experiences in order to get the point across. When I first wrote Damia Willis, I thought it was a different view of the Prophetic Patterns.

I was wrong. 

I wrote my story. God gave me words to write there ended up being my story. Everything I wrote and the experiences while I wrote was DIFFICULT to handle. I had to OWN MY STORY. Every prophet started to tell me what I already knew and I didn’t own it.



and then, again..

This is part of books 9 and 10 of the Damia Willis, FBI series. There is never an ending to the story God creates.


“It’s not our problem.” 

“It’s always our problem; everything we do for God is our problem.” 

It’s not OUR problem, Reed; go and be with your wife-

“THIS IS ABOUT MY WIFE!!!! Your friend, Anthony. I guess  you forgot how you were called away almost 5 years ago. How we all have traveled across the world with money that just SHOWS UP, and now-“

Anthony stood up while pounding his fists on the table screaming back at Reed, “I KNOW!! SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND; YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND. DON’T YOU EVER FORGET I WILL KILL YOU ABOUT HER.” 

Peter calmly walked into his dining room. He looked at his friends screaming at each other, both holding back the tears and anger. Peter chose his words wisely, while praying.

“Friends,” Peter started. 

“Bullshit!” Anthony said turning to Peter, “Friends don’t lie to each other. We’ve been through sh-“

“Watch it, Anthony, you will not catch me slipping again.” Anthony sat back down at the table. Peter turned to Reed as he leaned on the door frame. “Reed-“

“Where is my wife, Peter?” 

Peter hesitated looking at Reed’s back avoiding Anthony’s glare.

“Peter.” Reed said in a normal tone without turning around. 

“She’s in London.” 

“On her own.” 

“On HER OWN??” Anthony screamed. 

“Who is this woman? Why did she go? What do we know? WHAT DO YOU KNOW?” Reed said turning to Peter. 

“I’m still doing the research.”

“No, no-” Anthony started.

“No, Peter, that’s not true. You know something.” 

“Reed,” Peter shook his head and sat at the table, “I can’t even begin to explain this woman, my life, my service.” 

Reed sat down at the table and said, “Start with anything we don’t know, Peter; we have all the time in the world.” 

“We need Damia back.” Peter said. 

“Not in the middle of a lie we don’t.” Anythony stated. 

“Fine, but first of all, this is not our problem.” 

“BUT MY WIFE, is in LONDON, and she won’t TAKE MY CALLS.” Reed’s cell phone started ringing; looking at the caller ID it was Damia. “Babe? Where are you? What are you doing?” 

“I love you, Reed. I’m so sorry I left without saying  a word. I had to get here. I needed to help. I’m sorry you woke up and I wasn’t there.” 

“It’s okay.” Reed said looking at Anthony, “What’s wrong?” 

“Reed, tell Peter, he’s wrong. This is our problem. This is spiritual. I can’t do this alone.” 

“What is it?” Peter asked.

“She said you’re wrong.” 

“Is he there?” Damia asked, “Let me speak to him?” 

Reed handed the phone to Peter, “Yes, love?” 

“PETER!!!! My God, who is this WOMAN??? Peter, she’s dying.” 

Peter stood up abruptly knocking over his chair, ” What? What?” He motioned to the others to follow him. They got in the chauffer driven car, “Airport. Keep talking Damia, I’m putting you on speaker.” 

“She’s dying. I met her at the restaurant and as soon as she laid eyes on me she started clutching her chest. She’s had a major heart attack.” 

“OH my God.” Anthony said. 

“Yes, wait, what are you doing there, Anthony? No never mind. According to her boyfriend, this is the second heart attack in four monhts. The doctors are doing what they can, but she’s dying.” 

“Damia, get to my house, now. We’re getting on a plane.” 

“But what about Jemma?” Damia asked.

GET TO MY HOUSE NOW.” Peter screamed then ending the call.

Everything leads to Damia

Once Upon a Time: A Test of Wills

Every year I seem to find myself in a new challenge; the challenge to accomplish a goal set by my Lord and savior. This challenge, this year, is a test of WILLS; Mine and my past.

I am a writer. I write blogs, books, Christian fiction, speechers, and sermonettes. I create responses in my head which push me pass the drama that surrounds my life. I am an ex-wife, a mother, a niece and a cousin; the past comes to Push me OFF THE COURSE.

Once upon a time is really  TODAY.

My will is to do it God’s way, hence HIS WILL NOT MINE, but at a weak point in my life I find the will of my past comes to turn that. My past is like the bully on the playground that doesn’t want you to do anything. For me the past shows up 4 times a week in my life like the bully on the playground.

The discovery of this means, I know it is challenge, but it is someting I’m prepared for; the very thing I know I can do is lean on God and not allow my past to keep me stagnated. As a writer, I will write and let the test of wills fail…..TODAY

Telling Your Story God’s Way

As a writer, I find I share what is deep in my spirit in my spoken word and Christian fiction. Some of what is released is a prophetic word; some of it is entertainment. What I’ve found, is, I’ve come a long way from when I was in the fourth grade in trouble for a bad reading grade.

That grade brought me to where I am right now; poetry, self-help books, and now Christian fiction. I had to read a book and write a book report for my mom. Hard for a fourth grader but it had to be done.

It was only, almost three years ago, I found I could write God’s way. I found I WILL WRITE GOD’S WAY. It was important to write as the Lord instilled in me to do, not just for me, but for others whom would read my books.

I want to share with you my recent blog on reading is fun-damental as I encouage you to tell your story God’s way. Never under estimate what the Lord has given you to speak and how it should be shared with others.

  1. Give time to God to in order to hear.
  2. Never ask someone else what they think; God told you!
  3. Make sure all grammer is correct.
  4. Stay within God’s timing.



If She Only Knew

Here is another part of the new book from ‘Mike’s’ perspective:


Sitting in his office, he allowed his mind to drift about her. He knew the visions were becoming more real, and more intense, in his life. Mike was afraid it was a trick of the enemy. Seeing this woman almost every night in every dream started to scare him, but somehow, someway, Mike felt like these visions and dreams would become a reality.

He blushed, thanking God he was alone, as he recalled waking up one morning with such intensity in his manhood he was almost ashamed.

“Almost.” He whispered to himself. His cell phone pulled him out of his day dreaming; it was his pastor. “Pastor Whitlow, how are you?”

“I’m good Michael; I was just checking on you because you crossed my mind this afternoon. Bishop said to give you a call.”

Straightening up in his chair Mike looked around the office as if he were being watched. He knew his pastor and her husband walked strongly in the prophetic. “Well, ma’am, I’m good.”

“Are you retiring this year, Mike?”

“I plan to.” He responded.

“Are you dating, Mike?” She asked slowly.

“Uhm, No ma’am.”

“Mike, I’ve had a vision of you with a woman; this woman was in the hospital.”

He cleared his throat and said, “I’m not sure whom that is, Pastor Whitlow.”

“Mike, tell me you haven’t had these same visions.”

He let the phone drop slightly from his ear as he pondered lying to her; he knew he couldn’t, but he, too, couldn’t explain this woman or even share what her name is.

“I’ve had the same visions, Pastor.” He responded reluctantly.

“She’s your wife, Mike.”


Dana Williamson

Writer, Author, Coach, Minister of the Gospel

Another Visit

Yes, I’m still creating this book I shared with you in the previous post, but it is full of the intimacy a Christian has and is full of the suspense of the unknown? Are you ready?

She shut the door behind her and leaned against it as she let the worries of the day play over in her mind. Before she opened her eyes an invigorating aroma filled her nose. Quickly, she realized it was a man cologne and her eyes flew open. There at the bottom of her stairs sat “Mike”; he just stared at her with chin resting on his folded hands.

“Why?” She asked.

“Why what?”

“Why are you here?”

“You know why; it’s all in the plan.”

“I don’t know the full extent of the plan. This isn’t fair you just show up!” She leaned her head back, closed her eyes and sighed. “It’s just not fair.” She said lowering her voice.

“It’s not about what is fair, but what is right.” She felt his breath in her ear as whispered his response. When she opened her eyes he was gone; another visit from her future king.

“God, not again!!!”

Dana Williamson

B.A.D. LLC dba B.A.D. BOOKS.